Our space is located in the school’s library and is filled with learning stations which inspires students’ creativity and innovation providing students the opportunity tocreate, build, tinker, invent, and “make”. Our stations include arts& crafts, electronics/circuits, robotics, building blocks, stop-motion animation, virtual and augmented reality along with pop-up cards, comic creation, and spin art, and so much more
Week 3-Cup stacking with tongue depressors for making bridges.
5. Augmented Reality-
Week one- Sports theme
Week two- Spring theme
Week three Science theme
6. Google Cardboard and V.R.
Week one-demos on dinosaurs
Week two- Inside the mind
Week three visit outer space
7. Legos
Week one free build
Week two Rainbows and Spring
Week three- Marble mazes
8. Week 1 -Sticker rebus Stories
Week 2 - Popup card
Week 3- Sticker Art & Comic book construction with Photo booth
speech bubbles
9. Stopmotion Animation
Week one Minecraft and Space
Week two Medieval and Neighborhood
Week three- Choice
10. Snap circuits and Perplexis
11. 3D printer may visit for a Day
12. QR Code Seeking
13. Doodle bots
14. Marker Spin Art
15. Makey Makeyis an invention kit for the 21st century. Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It's a simple Invention Kit for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything in between:
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.
HowToons-Part comic strip and part science experiment, Howtoons shows children how to find imaginative new uses for common household items like soda bottles.
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