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All About Me

Page history last edited by kirish43@... 15 years, 12 months ago


You are Unique and Special


Me Poem from http://www.kinderkorner.com/me.html 

 I'm Glad I'm Me

No one looks

The way I do.

I have noticed

That it's true.

No one walks the way I walk.

No one talks the way I talk.

No one plays the way I play.

No one says the things I say.

I am special.

I am me.

There's no one else

I'd rather be!


    What happened on the day and year you were born?

What important events happened? What were you parents doing on that day before you decided to arrive?

- http://www.dmarie.com/timecap/




Print a Memorial Birthday Certificate

Enter your name and birth date, choose a background, and print a certificate!

- http://www.squiglysplayhouse.com/Games/BirthdayGame/



Your parents thought long and hard when picking out just the right name for you.

 Do you know whay they picked your name? Names have special meanings.

Look at this web site to find out what your name means. Be sure to click the Popularity button to see how popular your name is too!

- http://www.behindthename.com/


Do you want to know how tall you will grow?

Answer a few questions and let the computer predict how tall you will be.

- http://www.ahealthyme.com/topic/adultheight



Let's create a story about YOU

Personalized Story Creator

Enter your name and age and create a story about you!

- http://www.rif.org/readingplanet/gamestation/storymaker/default.aspx




print the following file

 all about me.pdf


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