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Educational Videos by Topic

Page history last edited by kirish43@... 12 years, 2 months ago

 Educational Videos



The Following sites have videos that cover a variety of subjects and themes:


 Brightstorm.com - Free Math, Science And English Videos


Brightstorm.com - Free Math, Science And English Videos

When they leave school, students still often need help completing homework and other assignments. Brightstorm is designed to help students by offering free math, science and English videos from top teachers. The website also offers paid programs to help students with their math homework and provide test prep materials.
WEBSITE: http://www.brightstorm.com





 Discovery Channel not quite united streaming but some goods picks 

Educational Video Page   


Free Educational Videos - izzit.org 







Snap Films



By Topic 


Jeff Corwin on The Bengal Tiger (3:59)
Jeff Corwin on Looking for the Lion (4:23)
Animal Babies http://www.teachersdomain.org/resources/tdc02/sci/life/colt/animalbaby/index.html
Hatchlings and newborns http://www.teachersdomain.org/resources/tdc02/sci/life/cyc/newborns/index.html

Embryo to Duckling

This video segment from NOVA: "The Shape of Things" follows the growth of a duck embryo, from a single fertilized egg cell to a complex, hatching duckling.




Book Videos


Children's Literature Videos


Read by members of the Scrren Actors guild


Chica Chica Boom Boom



is a lot better than most of today's kids shows. Clifford The Big Red Dog ©2000 Scholastic Entertainment Inc....Clifford The Big Red Dog

Clifford The Big Red Dog

©2000 Scholastic Entertainment Inc.



Read 'Here, Clifford!'
Read “Here, Clifford!”

(Audio, interactive storybook, book related)

Listen and read a story about Emily Elizabeth and Clifford.

Clifford Phonics Fun Teacher's Guide


Read “Clifford’s Big Dig”
Read “Clifford’s Big Dig”

(Audio, interactive storybook, book related)

Listen and read a story about Clifford's big find.

Clifford Phonics Fun Teacher's Guide



Grandfather Bear's pocket watch is missing! It's up to Detective Little Bear to find the clues and find his pocket watch....little bear detective




All Around Town Becka Goes to India Becka Goes to San Diego
Becka Goes to San Francisco Ben's Bug Big Fun
Bubbles Circle of Smiles Ladybug, LadyBug
Ico Island Jill's Egg Meg's Pink Pig
Jet's Red Bike Pets
Pop, Pop, Pop
The Hot Sun The Rabbit The Sad Bug

The Sky is Falling                                                         Ted the Ant                                       Tim and Max

Where the Wild Things Are   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWIdkYk9fQM



Social Insects (6:58)


insect sampler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sac4dAEasvo&feature=related





Cells and Genetics


DNA (3:25) 



Crocodiles and Alligators

Jeff Corwin on Crocodiles and Alligators (3:29)
Ecology & Environment

Cyber Safety

Designing Future Cities: Alternative Energy

In this video segment adapted from ZOOM, visit a class as they design a city of the future that will use solar, wind, and water power to fuel its economy.


Energy in a Roller Coaster Ride

See potential energy convert to kinetic energy in this interactive activity from WGBH that shows a roller coaster in action.


Energy Sources

This video segment illustrates a variety of energy sources used to generate electricity, some of which are in use and some of which are under exploration.


Heat Transfer

In this interactive activity adapted from the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, learn how heat can be transferred in one of three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation.


Floats and Sinks


A Boat That Floats

In this video from Curious George, children build boats out of everyday materials and then predict and observe whether the boats sink or float.

Surface Tension: Making Paper Clips Float

In this video segment, the ZOOM cast relies on the surface tension of water to make paper clips float.




How a bill becomes law http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJL2Uuv-oQ


The Preamble http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_TXJRZ4CFc


American breaks from British Rule http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofYmhlclqr4&feature=related


Three Ring Government http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5I2KFENjS8&feature=related




History and Historical Moments


Moments in American History short video's






Human Body

The Eye (2:30)







Language Arts


Schoolhouse Rock-these are hosted on You Tube-


 Interjections http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhHpJ45_zwM


Conjuction Junction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkO87mkgcNo


 50 New Math Videos!  








Coral Reefs (7:25)




Historical slide show from Scholastic http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/athens_games/photos1.htm




Build a Bridge

Survey potential bridge sites, research bridge design, and select the right bridge for the right location in this interactive activity from the NOVA Web site.

Bridge Building


Clifton Suspension Bridge

This video segment from Building Big illustrates the basic design principles of the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England.


Firth of Forth Cantilever Bridge

This video segment from Building Big: "Bridges" demonstrates the basic design of a cantilever bridge by looking at Scotland's Firth of Forth Railway Bridge.


Investigating a Suspension Bridge

In this video segment adapted from ZOOM, the cast builds a suspension bridge from a couple of chairs, some cardboard, and rope.


Triangles and Arches in Architecture

This collection of still images features two of the most important shapes in architecture: the triangle and the arch.


Triangles: Designing a Straw Bridge

In this video segment adapted from ZOOM, the cast tries to design and build a bridge made out of drinking straws that will support the weight of 200 pennies



Triangles: Testing the Strength of a Gumdrop Dome

Can a dome made of gumdrops and toothpicks support the weight of a stack of books? To find out, watch this video segment adapted from ZOOM



Example of bridge building http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQoKucFx3Jc&feature=related


Columns: Experimenting with Paper Cups

In this video segment from ZOOM, the cast experiments to see if a bunch of paper cups covered by a piece of cardboard can support the weight of a cast member.


Forces Lab

In this interactive activity from the Building Big Web site, select one of the actions of squeezing, stretching, bending, sliding, or twisting to explore the forces of compression, tension, shear, and torsion.


Egg Drop



How to's


How Do You Keep Lemonade Cool?

This video segment adapted from FETCH!™ shows contestants experimenting with different materials to see which is the best insulator and thus best able to keep the lemonade at their stand cool for customers.


How to Build A Road

Geology and weather introduced a variety of unexpected problems when construction crews were building the Alaska Highway. In this interactive activity from the American Experience Web site, see how Army engineers improvised solutions to blaze a trail through the wilderness.


Roller Coasters

Designing a Roller Coaster

In this video segment adapted from ZOOM, the cast is challenged to design and test a roller coaster with loops, hills, and U-turns.



Exploring Plants

In this media-rich lesson, students observe plant growth by watching a time-lapse video and by growing their own seeds. They identify the conditions seeds need to germinate and consider the role that fruits play in seed dispersal.

From Seed to Flower

Watching plants grow is like watching paint dry: It happens so slowly that the changes are imperceptible from one moment to the next -- and yet the end results are dramatic. This video segment shows just how amazing plant development can be by depicting various phases of the process using time-lapse photography. Footage from NOVA: "The Shape of Things."

Paper Towel Plants

In this video from Curious George, learn about how beans, a type of seed, can sprout into plants.



Plate Techtonics

Bill Nye on Plate Tectonics (4:22)




Anatomy of a Rover

In this interactive activity from NOVA, learn about the sophisticated scientific instruments on two identical robotic rovers that have explored Mars —


Engineering for the Red Planet

In this video segment from NASA, robotics researcher Ayanna Howard uses engineering to improve the intelligence of robots in space exploration.



Roller Coaster

Roller Coasters(4:07)
60 New Science Videos! 



Simple Machines Videos

Building Simple Machines: A Glass of Milk, Please

In this video segment adapted from ZOOM, the cast shows how the 34 steps in their Rube Goldberg invention use everything from gravity to carbon dioxide gas in order to accomplish one simple task: pouring a glass of milk.


Building Simple Machines: Plant Quencher

In this video segment from ZOOM, Jillian explains how her simple machine uses marbles, levers, flowing sand, and a spinning wheel to water a plant.





Jeff Corwin on Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (2:24)

Jeff Corwin on Egyptian Cobra (2:00)



Gravity in Space (3:54)


Space Travel (4:51)


Blue Hole (4:25)


Celestial Bodies: Moons, Stars, and Planets (2:43)


http://www.classroom20.com/video/video/show?id=649749%3AVideo%3A22836 Celestia


http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html?param=education NASA TV


http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html# views of the earth


Phases of the Moon

When we look up at the night sky, why do we see the Moon's appearance changing over time from a full sphere to a crescent to nothing at all? Find the answers in this interactive resource adapted from the National Air and Space Museum.


Bill Nye on Universal Gravitation (2:17)


Free Brainpop Movie on Mars

Interplanet Janet from Schoolhouse Rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfPEvKsme-c


NASA Videos http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/


What Is a Planet?

This video segment, adapted from NOVA scienceNOW, presents the ongoing debate over the definition of a planet, including the status of Pluto.






 60 New Science Videos!  








Water Cycle





Free Brainpop movie on Hurricane's


Observe Clouds

This video segment produced for Teachers' Domain features a time-lapse video of clouds forming, changing, and moving across the sky.






  The Piano (2:24)


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