
Scratch Animals on the move

Page history last edited by kirish43@... 8 years, 8 months ago



Scratch is designed with learning and education in mind.

Scratch makes coding easy and fun using Blockly to drag and drop code.

As young people create projects in Scratch, they learn many of the 21st century skills that will be critical to success in the future: thinking creatively, communicating clearly, analyzing systematically, using technologies fluently, collaborating effectively, designing iteratively, learning continuously.


Imagine • Program • Share




Google uses Scratch for Animation 


Starter Project - Teal Monster








 Snap together blocks to create stories, games and animations and share your creations on the web





Make your sprite move forward                    Make your sprite spin                              Make your sprite change color





Make your sprite dance                                      Make your sprite follow the mouse                   Make your sprite glide




Make your sprite jump when you clap                   Make your sprite spin when you say something               Make a simple game




Make a story




Learning Scratch Lessons http://scratch.redware.com/node


Getting Started



A step-by-step guide to getting started with Scratch Quickly.

(For students who did Squeak Last year and understand a bit of programing)


Step1: Watch the intro Scratch Video at the top of the page


Step 2 Review simple foreard positive numbers, backward negetativenumbers, and turn commands. These are like the commands we used in LOGO, and with the Roamer Robot. A series of introductory lessons below will get you scratching the surface of programming.


Introductory Lessons


Step 3: Let's take apart a program and see how it works- How can you change the program by making simple changes in the parameters?




Sample Projects

from: http://www.nebomusic.net/scratch.html


Step by step for a cool racing game




Developed by  Nebo School



The Scratch program was developed by MIT to teach young students programming concepts and develop skill in multimedia communication. Using a visual system of "Tiles" that contain commands users can connect together to create programs.  These programs direct the characters and objects in the game.

Download Scratch:

Scratch for Elementary Students

Project #1:  "Chasing/Eating" (Pac Man Type Game)

1. Game must have a main character that the user moves about the screen using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
2. There must be "food" that the character eats.  The food will disapear after the character eats it.
3. The game area must have a maze that the main character must "bounce" off when it touches the maze.

1. The game keeps score based on the number of food eaten.
2. Ghosts or evil characters chase the main character.
3  System for keeping track of the lives of the main character.

Code samples for Chasing/Eating
Step By Step Instructions for Chasing/Eating



Project #2: Red Light/Green Light

1. Must have 2 different dancers that use costume changes to simulate movement and dancing.
2. Must have music that plays while characters are dancing.
3. Must have a system where the user clicks on a green or red light sprites to start or stop the music and dancing.

1. Use photographs of yourself to create dancing sprite.
2. Add sprites that simulate colored lights changing on the dance floor.
3. Use different stages to change the setting of the dance floor.

Code samples for Red Light/Green Light



Project #3: Pong

1. Must have a paddle that the user controls with the mouse.
2. Must have a ball that moves on its own and bounces off the edges of the world.
3. Ball must bounce off the paddle.

1. Design a "Breakout" like game where the ball hits bricks in a wall.  The bricks disappear and score is kept.
2. The ball bounces off the paddle in an angle of reflection that is equal to the angle of attack.
3. Use random statements to vary the ball angle when it bounces off the paddle.

Step by Step Pong Directions

Code samples for Pong



Project #4: Baby Catch (From Georgia Tech's Institute for Computing Education)

1. A Ball that falls down from the top of the screen to the bottom.
2. When Ball touches bottom of stage - it returns to the top to fall again.
3. A Baby or other Sprite to "Catch" the ball.

1. Score - when Baby catches the ball the points increase.
2. Bouncing:  Ball bounces of bottom of stage and Baby.
3. Realistic gravity.

Code samples for Baby Catch




Project #5: Target Game

1. Must have a canon that the user can change angle of shot with the arrow keys.
2. Must have a canon ball that "shoots" from the canon equal to the angle of the canon at the time of the shot.
3. Canon ball must stamp as it travels to show the path of the shot.

1. Self moving targets that hide when hit by the canon ball.
2. Simulate gravity effects so the canon ball takes a parabolic path.

Code samples for Target Game

Detailed Instructions for Target Game



Project #6: Spinner Art (Screensaver Program)

1. Have a Sprite that spins stamps itself on stage.
2. Spinning Sprite glides around to random spots around stage - leaving a stamped trail.
3. When "space" key is pressed - the stamp effects clear the stage.

1. When "c" key is pressed - the colors of the Stamper Sprite change.
2. Give use other keys to change the Stamper Sprite's costume.

Sample of Spinner Art Program

Code samples for Spinner Art Program



Project #7: Growing Flowers (Challenge Project)

1. Have a Sprite that creates a stem and flower when clicked.
2. Use Pen and color change to create colored flowers.

1. When "c" key is pressed - the screen clears.
2. Make a stage background with grass and sky.

Sample of Flower Art Program





Project #8: Racing Game

1. A Race Car that the user controls with the arrow keys for direction and speed
2. A simulated road with a striped line down the center showing "speed" and "motion" of car.
3. Puddles or other obstacles for the car to avoid

1. Other Race Cars to pass during the game.
2. When the user's Race Car touches a puddle or other cars, the Race Car "spins out of control."

Mr. Michaud's Race Car Game Sample

Sample Scripts for Racing Game



Project #9: Quiz Game

1. Choose a quiz topic (Examples: colors, parts of a cell, vocabulary words . . .)
2. Create a list of possible answers
3. Create a Sprite to "ask the question."
4. Allow user to type in an answer
5. Compare user's answer to question
6. Provide user feedback to tell the user if they are correct or incorrect.

1. Keep score of correct answers.
2. Give a final percentage of correct answers.
3. Use movement and sounds to make game entertaining.

Mr. Michaud's Simple Color Game

Script Samples for Quiz Game

Sample Script for Math Quiz Game


Step 4  Watch the Whirl effect video from the site. Add the whirl effect to a mpvement sequence 


Step 5 Let your imagination run wild and create



Learning Scratch Resources for 1st timers


3 Ways to Learn



1. Set of three intro lessons http://learnscratch.org/ with video's


2. Download printed directions from below


Scratch Lessons.doc



Scratch fish program.doc 


3. Follow along with Mrs. DeBoer






4. Try Another set of step by step instructions complete with videos





 We have studied animals and the places where they lived called habitats. Write a program in scratch where you place two animals in the place where they live and show how they can move. ( Abird that flies, a bear that climbs ect.)




1. First draw or choose a back ground

2. Draw or import a sprite

3. Use the movement blocks to program you animal to move

4. Now get creative and devlop a story around the animals and background you chose


A Little Help Needed????? Click Below


Reference Resources


These pages from MIT have resources for learning Scratch:

More ways to Practice Scratch


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