Tell me a Story


What is Digital Storytelling?


Digital Storytelling brings  stories to life using technology.  While the art of storytelling has been around for thousands of years computers and have allowed storytelling to become digital. You can personalize stories with pictures and text that gives the story special meaning . Digital Storytelling let's us put  graphics, audio, video, animation and web site publishing together to  create powerful stories. Digital Storytelling like paintings, personal narrative stories that mix images, graphics, sound, and music with the author's own storytelling voice will exist over time and can be  enjoyed long past their creation.  For more ideas check out the book written by Bernajean Porter, whose book, DigiTales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories, includes detailed step-by-step processes for bringing this emerging oral storytelling style into today's classrooms.

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Adobe's Digital Kids Club



 Step-By-Step Approach to Creating a Digital Story from Materials Found On the Web


Step #1 Brainstorm Ideas


Begin thinking about your story by brainstorming as many ideas about the content as possible. Then brainstorm ways you can share that content.

You want to begin a project with as many ideas as possible. Brainstorming is a great way to generate lots of ideas. A brainstorming session is only an ideas session. It is the time to think of and SAY everything that comes to mind. It is NOT a time to assess any of the ideas presented for feasibility, only possibility.





Step #2  Select , Collect,  and Decide

  1. Select a topic for your digital story.

  2. Create a folder on the desktop where you can store the materials you find.

  3. Search for image resources for your story, including: pictures, drawings, photographs, maps, charts, etc.Use the copyright free sites under "Browser Tools") Copyright free sites by clicking here:  Pictures

  4. Try to locate audio resources such as music, speeches, interviews, and sound effects.( Resources available on the podcast interactive lesson page

    -Save these resources in your folder.

  5. Try to find informational content, which might come from web sites, word processed documents, or PowerPoint slides. -Save these resources in your folder.

  6. Begin thinking of the purpose of your story. Are you trying to inform, convince, provoke, question? 


Step #3 Putting the content into a plan


Click below for the planning sheet


planning sheet.pdf 



PART #4 : Decide, Write, Record, Finalize



Storyboard the Video

A storyboard is a combination of outlines and visual sketches, or representations, that map out the content and effects you will use in your story. The storyboard should be arranged to clearly show how you will use images, and other media to support the narrative.  A storyboard is your blueprint for your video - it will be your guide as you locate resources and combine them to tell your story.


As you reread your narrative, where are natural breaks that act like scenes in a movie? Divide your narrative into these scenes and determine what visual and audio elements will support the content told. Developing a storyboard will help ensure that your narrative is focused, organized, and concise.

Gather Resources and Process Media

While you may have a photograph or artifact that is driving the creation of your story, many times your story will be written and planned before you begin gathering media. Collect your photographs and scan them, search the Internet for images to support your ideas, use a Paint or Imaging program to create pictures.


click below to download the storyboard template




Step #4 Write the Narrative


  1. Decide on the purpose and point of view of your digital story.

    Write a script that will be used as narration in your digital story AND provides the purpose and point of view you have chosen. Digital storytelling is about telling a personal story. Write a narrative that makes the voice of the storyteller clear.  Try to be concise. While your story will have supporting visuals, each word should be carefully chosen to evoke in image in the mind of the viewer.

  2. Use a computer microphone and record the narration of your script.

  3. Import the narration into Photo Story.

  4. Finalize your digital story by saving it as a Windows Media Video (.wmv) file.


Step #5 : Share your Story


  1. Show your digital story to your classmates 

  2. Gather feedback about how the story could be improved, expanded, and used in your classroom. sample