
Web 20 Browser Tools

Page history last edited by kirish43@... 4 years, 4 months ago

 Web 2.0 

Browser Tools

A. Animation- Create videos of Stories, Advertising, or Promotions.






Imagine Forest Allows you to create a Story online























15 day trial


Dvolver Movie Maker Dvolver creates creativity tools. Have you ever wanted to direct your own movie? No problem. Our MovieMaker helps you make a movie in a few simple steps. When your opus is complete send it to a friend. Or, post it to your website.

















https://www.synfig.org/  Needs to be downloaded


https://www.maefloresta.com/ needs to be downloaded




  B. Art

Sketch and Paint



NGAkids Home 

art.com artPad 


Paint on-line

Digital Draw

Art Studio-painting on-line



Create a 3d Mobil


Pixel face





Virtual jungle colorforms



 C. Avatars



 http://www.thecandylab.com/ upload your face on an M & M Candy. Then make it talking. Talking candy


 http://www.buildyourwildself.com/ Build Your Wild Self


http://talkingpets.org  Make your talk-choose their voice or record your own.


www.voki.com Voki avatars for community development. Shockwave users can express ...



http://www.doppelme.com/create/step2.asp These look alot like a the Wii  characters



http://www.meez.com/home.dm THis has been my favorite because you can animate them


http://www.gizmoz.com/create/head With gizmoz you upload a photo and using facial recogntion software you

can create a cartoon character of yourself



http://www.weeworld.com/  creatre a mini me


http://www.faceyourmanga.com./homepage.php?lang=eng  Face you Manga- create a cartoon figure



D. Biography Tool





Book Reports- Step by step



Book Report Sandwich is a step-by-step guide to writing your book report



Spice up those old book reports with some new ideas ...

Five guidelines for getting a book report done. Includes information on different types of book reports as well as templates for selected books



E.  C.A.D.

for Kids



Google SketchUp 6 is a 3D modeling software tool that’s easy to learn, simple to use, and lets you place your models in Google Earth. Are you remodeling a kitchen, landscaping your back yard or adding a deck to your home? Google SketchUp makes it faster, easier and a lot more fun. From simple to complex, from conceptual to realistic, Google SketchUp helps you see your vision before you build it.

Once you've built your models, you can place them in Google Earth, post them to the 3D Warehouse.


 http://www.ldraw.org/ LDraw™ is an open standard for LEGO CAD programs that allow the user to create virtual LEGO models and scenes. You can use it to document models you have physically built, create building instructions just like LEGO, render 3D photo realistic images of your virtual models and even make animations. The possibilities are endless. Unlike real LEGO bricks where you are limited by the number of parts and colors, in LDraw nothing is impossible. You can download




Building on Line

Brio Track Builder Virtual Brio Train design http://brio.knex.com/customer/TrackBuilder.php


Built track and neighborhood http://funschool.kaboose.com/time-warp/games/game_all_aboard.html

Lego like brickbuilder http://www.brickbuildinggame.com/



Citation Machine

Click the link below to use the Citation maker from Calvin College. You can enter your reference information in, and the cite

maker will put it in proper order for you.





EasyBib: An “automatic bibliography composer” that lets users enter sources and fill out a simple forms to be given MLA style bibliographies. I’ve used this multiple times in the past for research papers.


Ottobib: Similar to EasyBib, Ottobib is a simple bibliography tool that allows users to enter multiple ISBN numbers for books at a time and retrieve the bibliographies in MLA, APA, AMA, or Chicago/Turabian format.


Certificate Creation

http://www.123certificates.com/  Print out certificates online


Create Comics at the sites below


Cartoons/Comic Strips:


Make your own comics!  It`s easy and fun.  Write in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Latin! PBS Kids presents Arthur`s Comic Creator. The Comic Creator is an interactive tool that invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts.
Here you can be a comics mastermind and write, assemble and print your own comic strips. Pick a cartoon to customize. Help create a cool new episode in the Adventures of Captain Underpants, then e-mail it to a friend!
comic builder ,draw comic builder ,draw comic builder ,draw
comic builder,story builder, comic strip creation comic builder,comic strip creation comic builder,comic strip creation,graphic novel creator







face generator



picasso's head and face



On-line drawing and art program



 draw pain and stamp right on line



J-Painter is an image editor that allows drawing within a browser. You can install it on your website or embed it in your web application. The editor can be easy configured for many applications:




Sketchcast - Talk about creativity, you can sketch a drawing with or without voice or write content and save it to your PC.


Skrbl - It's like a virtual space. Simple and easy online multi-user whiteboard, Sketch, text, share files, upload pictures all in one common shared space.


 http://draw.labs.autodesk.com/ADDraw/draw.html Project Draw


http://wufoo.com/ form builder


http://www.zefrank.com/scribbler/ scrubbler


http://www.mxgraph.com/demo/mxgraph/editors/diagrameditor.html online drawing with many shapes available


Drawing for Children Similar to KidPix Studio 

 Dictionaries on Line


http://www.misd.net/fig/ answers.com  install and get definitions on line


Dictionary.com Free online dictionary search, translator, word of the day, crossword puzzles and word games, and vocabulary learning resources for many languages



http://www.answers.com/main/product_info.jsp One Click answers download that adds instant definitions when you click on a word











Encyclopedias On line


The old reliable Britannica can be accessed online, but of course there is a fee once the free trial period ends. You can read more about the services they offer at their website: http://www.eb.com/index.html



Another example of an online encyclopedia but this one is free. It also includes a dictionary, atlas and many other features. It is supported through advertising so prepare yourself for some distractions.  http://encarta.msn.com/artcenter_/browse.html



This easy to use reference website is familiar to most students.  This site also includes a Thesaurus, Encyclopedia and web search engine. You can check it all out for yourself at:  http://dictionary.reference.com/



This website offers you a whole list of additional online encyclopedia resources including the ones listed above.  It also has it's own search engine and plenty of catagories to browse.  Check it out here:  http://www.ipl.org/ More References



Atlapedia is an online atlas, providing maps of the world, continents and individual



Bibliomania is a source of thousands of online texts from classic books including

fiction, drama, poetry and short stories.

www.bl.ukThe British Library holds details of 13 million books, along with journals, sound

recordings and historical photographs..



The excellent Encyclopaedia Britannica is available online although it is a subscription

site. Elements of it are free and it is possible to sign up for a free trial of the full




Search for documents about parts of Britain on this and its associated sites, covering

Ireland, Scotland and Wales.



Flags are educational and make a colourful classroom display. This website has

69,000 flags from around the World including all national flags, regional, maritime and

many more.



Although this is an American online dictionary, I find it very effective and

comprehensive. It also links to an online thesaurus.





Family Tree




external image GeniBeta.jpg?1194734020This tool lets you instantly start building up a family tree and you can invite people you add by email so they can also start adding to the same tree. This was used in a school as part of an 'All About Me' topic and apparently it really got the community involved and families found it a really easy to use and useful tool.





external image logo.gifAnother similar tool to Geni where you can easily start setting up family tree information


family tree maker



family tree with pictures



add news videos pictures and text







 Google Gadgets


You can now use Google Gadgets to make your webpages even more interesting and useful to your visitors.







Graphic Organizers



kwl flo charts venn diagrams



seating chart









 Graph Makers

Graphic Map screenshot  Graphic Map
The Graphic Map assists teachers and students in reading and writing activities by charting the high and low points related to a particular item or group of items, such as events during a day or chapters in a book.




Graphs and charts are great because they communicate information visually







blank graph paper






Handwriting Maker


Make custom handwriting worksheets at the click of a button !

Select a handwriting style below and watch the magic unfold !

Free from your friends at TampaReads.com





Images Resources


Discovery School Clip Art


Image After 

McCord Museum

Microsoft Clip Art

Pics For Learning

Copyright Free Photos, maybe they are not too big, but they are useful and nice.

http://www.inmagine.com/ Watermarks the images

backgroundsarchive.com great background images

BestAnimation's Backgrounds, allows to make really amazing backgrounds.

All Free Backgrounds, you can choose a background by color, texture...

Pics 4 Learning is specifically designed for teachers and students, and has thousands of images that can be used freely.

Clip Art ETC from Florida’s Educational Technology Clearinghouse offers over 38,000 pieces of clip art for students and teachers.








Google Earth

This is a free download that you can get for your home computer here.



Don't forget you can also see what's going on all over the world too.


Google Maps

Online dynamic maps with all kinds of search features.


Yahoo Maps

Same basic idea as Google Maps

Live Search Maps

MSN’s version of Google Maps


Google Maps Street View

maps.google.com    Explore neighborhoods at street level, virtually. Try it now!


StatPlanet – Interactive Data Visualization through Maps and Graphs


Historic Maps in K-12 Classrooms - Map 5 Resources 









Attribute Blocks – Learn color and shape concepts by sorting blocks.
Attribute Trains icon Attribute Trains – Learn about shape and color patterns of by completing trains of blocks.
Congruent Triangles icon Congruent Triangles – Build similar triangles by combining sides and angles.
Geoboard icon Geoboard


pn line graphicing calculator



on line math tools



GeoGebra is a free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools

that joins geometry, algebra and calculus.




on line pattern blocks for math k-2



library of 108 online activities that help to make math come alive in the classroom or at home


Mind Mapping


CmapTools  Concept mapping tool very much like Inspiration


FreeMind  free mind mapping software



 Mind jet  http://www.mindjet.com/us/


Thinking Guide http://www.exploratree.org.uk/ 



Thinkature  http://www.thinkature.com/

mind mapping with sketch


 MinMo Mind Mapping http://www.mindomo.com/




Mind Mapping


 ReadWriteThink Webbing Tool
The Webbing Tool provides a free-form graphic organizer for activities that ask students to pursue hypertextual thinking and writing. The tool provides a quick way for students to trace out options and rearrange connections in prewriting and post-reading activities.

Webbing Tool Screenshot

Mystery Cube ScreenshotMystery Stories

Mystery Cube
The Mystery Cube is a useful tool that helps students identify and summarize story elements in this popular genre. It can be used as a postreading activity for mysteries students have read or as a prewriting activity for students writing their own mysteries.



Persuasion MapPersuasion Map
The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate.



 http://www.primopdf.com/ Primo pdf files- turns word and publisher into pdf files so adobe acrobat reader  can open them






Sites where you can download music legally and for free


Freeplay Music


soundzabound - Royalty Free Music for Schools


http://odeo.com/ ODEO


http://educationalsoftware.wikispaces.com/Garageband Garage Band



All of the music housed on Jamendo is licensed under the Creative Commons


Soundzabound.com - Royalty Free Music For Schools online music clips that can be downloaded and used freely by teachers and students.


The Minuet Mixer comes from the wonderful New York Philharmonic Game Room

 Soundbadge, you have to answer several questions about yourself.  Based on the answers, a unique musical sound is created.  You can then email the url of your “soundbadge” and post it on a blog, website or online journal. DON'T USE YOUR REAL NAME!

Contrapunctus Variations

With the Carol-Maker you can compose a never-heard-before mashup of strange grunts with classic Christmas songs,

t Nim’s Island Animal Jukebox, and then email it to a friend or teacher for posting on a website or blog.


Jam Studio a

 Sound Factory.

In A Break In The Road students can again create their own musical composition.

Free Sound Effects
Sound effects include: Car Starts, Door Openings, Clongs, Coffee Pan, Creaks, Door Closings & Openings, Fan, Garage Door, Hanging & Picking Up Phone, Inserting Cassette, Key Sounds, Oven Door, Paper Pack, Pouring, Rain, Refrigetor, Toilet Flushing, Water Running and more.

Tingatel Sound Archive
Over 800 sounds and midi files for web designers. The categories include Alarms, Animals, Beeps, Bells, Cartoon, Chimes, Clicks, Computer, House, Humor, Instruments, Machines, Midi, Movie, Music, Notes, Office, People, Potluck, Scary, Space, Sports, Things, Whistles. Well organized site!
A1 Free Sound Effects
Free downloads of the most requested sounds on the internet, we've taken all the best requests we've had over the past 2 years and placed them here for you to download.


Podcast/net casts





Simple sound recording tool.

Download Page








http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/ Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more using your own word lists.


http://www.puzzle-maker.com/  Create word searches and crossword puzzles


http://next.yahoo.net/photosoup/ Makes puzzles with flickr photos


Photograph Puzzle Maker

Choose a picture from your computer (jpeg, png, gif, and bmp formats supported). You can use a photograph you took with your camera. ...



Photo Stories


Photo Story 3 from Microsoft  is great for making slide shows with music.http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/default.mspx PhotoStory- free program creates photo slide shows . You can add effects, transitions, captions, and music.


http://www.dl4all.com/2007/11/21/wondershare-photo-story-platinum-v2.6.0.html Wondershare Photo Story Platinum offers a whole new way to create and share gorgeous animated picture albums. Built-in templates / themes, intro / end movie, and decoration make it unprecedented on designing your masterpieces. Easily publish it as any popular format – flahs, iPod / iPhone / Zune video, even author DVD.



Photography-Digital Editing


Photoshop free online


 Flickr: Explore, upload, and share photos online. Includes commenting and neat note functionality where users can add blocks of notes on the photos themselves for others to see.

Blabberize  add speech bubbles and text to flicker photo's


StainedGlass Collage

Pim Pan Pum


Do cool stuff


Mosaic Maker


Photo Editors On-line


How to fix Photo's and add  effects without buying Photoshop!


Photoshop Express 


LunaPic upload pictures without having to sign in edit and add effects!




FotoFlexer  edit and had stickers, doodles and affects


Adobe Photoshop Express





Photovisi Collage Maker















Sqirlz Morph allows you to mark features on several images, and the program mixes the images so that each feature on one image moves smoothly to the corresponding feature on the other images - a technique widely used in the film industry










Podcasting Tools - http://www.podcasting-tools.com


Podcast Alley - http://www.podcastalley.com


PodcastBunker - http://www.podcastbunker.com


Podcasting News - http://www.podcastingnews.com


 Add links to make videi's interactive http://www.asterpix.com/ 








Captioner: Add captions to your digital photographs!





Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds       

Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like.


FeedJournal - The Newspaper You Always Wanted



Screen Capture
  Jing - Audio and visual screen capture  http://www.jingproject.com/
Cam Studio  www.camstudio.org
Sketchcast  http://sketchcast.com/   Record a sketch with or without voice. Explain something, have fun, or create art. 



CalendarHub - Web Calendars

Group Calendar


Take notes and save them on the web.









Record a sketch with or without voice. Explain something, have fun, or create art.



slide shows



on line slide shows



Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials


Flypaperis a versatile presentation tool with an infinite range of potential uses by learners and teachers–to engage, represent, and express.

Flypaper is easy to learn and use.




Printing Press

ReadWriteThink Printing Press

The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, flyers, and booklets. Teachers and students can choose from several templates to publish class newspapers, informational brochures, and flyers announcing class events.



ReadWriteThink Webbing Tool

The Webbing Tool provides a free-form graphic organizer for activities that ask students to pursue hypertextual thinking and writing. The tool provides a quick way for students to trace out options and rearrange connections in prewriting and post-reading activities.



The Domino Maker

Make dominoes

with text on the left and images on the right.  You can print up to 10 per page. 



Make Board Games

make boardgames with imagesimages mixed with text, or all text.  Use the all text version to create printable math board games



The Handout Creator: This

worksheet program

allows you to choose up to 15 images and place text related to that image below the picture. 


Spelling Worksheet Maker and Reading Sheet Wizard: make spelling worksheets where students select the correct spelling of words or have the students write the correct spelling.


Free Writing, Spelling and Tracing Worksheets:  Create

spelling practice sheets, free writing worksheets and tracing handouts with images

of your choice







Free Crossword Maker



Free Word Search Generator



Free Math Squares Program and Math Worksheet Creator


Programing right on line

Logo in the browser



Pologon builder





Create tesselations on-line






newsletter on line



newsletters on line



create on-line photbooks  and cards



Create and print a brochure or flyer in minutes. Choose a theme and then customize with photos and text.

 It's a great way to create brochures and flyers.



nstantly create and print your favorite Avery products online in just a few easy



pompam matches  photo's from flickr to words


Search Engines for Kids


Safer Ways to Search   click here for easy search techniques














The internet is not regulated for content.  Because of this we have to be careful about where exactly a student’s internet search might take them.  Creating the perfect, kid friendly search engine has been a goal for some time now.  Above are links to some of the best attempts so far.

Sight Words

http://www.sightwordswithsamson.com/sw/sight_words.asp Sight Word Practice






City Creator - Make your own city.
Open link in new window   Create A Car - Create your own car.
Open link in new window   Zanpo Virtual City - Create your own virtual city.





Maths Simulations online

Grow Alien plants Change the variables to grow Universe record breaking plant.

There are four plants that need feeding:

Interpreting a line graph


Bath time with Archimedes Turn the tap on, turn the tap on, put the plug in, take the plug out, Archimedes gets in and out of the bath...a line graph is drawn in real time. Interpret the graph.


Design and Technology Simulations online

Pontifex. Bridge building simulation. Highly sophisticated simulation where you build a bridge then see if it will take a train without going for a swim!


Robot Sim Construct your own robot from a range of different materials and components, and try it out in one of many treacherous Zones.


Simple Machines Simulation Build you own machine to solve puzzles-even better than contraptions.


Supercity Planner You have a budget of £10 million pounds to construct your own section of Supercity. How well will you do?


City Creator

Build towns and cities. It is similar to some of the old MyWorld screens and SIM City.



Geography Simulations online

Dumptown A recycling simulation


History Simulations online

Tudor Simulations


Viking simulation on the BBC Site


 Sound Effects

Sound Jay's Free Sound Effects
Free high quality sound effects in wav and mp3 formats.
Soundsnap : Free Sounds for your Multimedia Teaching Materials ... Free Sounds and Loops
National Education Network (Sound)
National Education Network
All the resources in this Gallery have been provided freely for Educational use only.
These ARE NOT copyright free: the copyright in the resource is retained by the resource owner and any commercial use is explicitly excluded.
More than 150,000 free images and sounds
More than 150,000 free images and sounds from Microsoft
Free Sound Effects and Loops
Free sound effects and music loops
SoundTransit is a collaborative, online community dedicated to field recording and phonography.
Royalty Free Music and Sound Effects
Partners In Rhyme has been delivering royalty free music and sound effects online since 1996.
The site includes a great resource for teachers and amateur multimedia creators who need free sound effects and music loops
An online platform for finding and sharing sounds. all sounds on soundsnap are created by its users and are royalty free. Over 30.000 sounds, samples and loops available.
Magnatunes Free Music Compilation
Magnatunes Free Music Compilation .... new each month.
Every month, we'll be giving away free downloads of one compilation album on magnatune.com/freemusic
Equinox Sounds
Equinox Sounds
Downloadable loop packages and an on-line library of contemporary royalty free music tracks and music loops for multimedia use.
All the music is available for immediate download in full resolution stereo WAV files. Download free sound packs.
Remember ... 'Royalty Free' does not mean 'Free'
Free samples n' loops
Hundreds of free royalty-free loops and music samples (guitar, drums, strings, percussions...)
The Music Tracks Library
Sound Loop Studio
Our collection of music loops is made especially for use with flash and websites. Music loops are also suitable for games, PowerPoint, presentations, video, films, etc. All our music is 100% original, produced in our studio by professional musicians.
The Music Bakery - Royalty Free Music
Royalty free music of all styles.
Soundtaxi - Royalty Free Music
Soundtaxi - Royalty Free Music
We have high quality royalty free music for your needs.
Music for film, video, games and multi media productions.Soundtaxi offers you a continous growing archive of excellent royalty free music.
Royalty Free Music
Royalty Free Music
A reference site to help identify public domain songs and public domain music . . . lists of public domain music, royalty free music recordings you can license, and public domain sheet music reprints . . . precisely the music you need for your business, organization, or personal use.
NOTE: Royalty free does not necessarily mean 'free'
Podsafe Music Network
Podsafe Music Network
Free audio (music) loops at Flaskits
Free audio (music) loops at Flaskits
Royalty Free Music
Royalty Free Music
Royalty Free Music by UniqueTracks
Slicktracks - Royalty Free Production Music
Royalty free music and sound fx for Flash, Shockwave, Broadcast, Video and Website Developers.
Song, 60/30sec, Flashloops - Buy it Online With Instant Download
NEO Sounds
Royalty Free Music tracks (NOT FREE)
Mix Me Entertainment
Royalty Free Music from Beatsuite.com
Freeplay music
Classic Cat
Opuzz - Royalty Free Music Starting from $2.99
Soundrangers Sound Effects and Music
National Anthems and Passports
National Anthems and Passports
Yahoo Directory : Sound Samples and Loops
Yahoo Directory : Sound Samples and Loops
Sound America
Christian Background Music
Christian Background Music
Film Sound Cliches
Film Sound Cliches
Film Sound Stereotypes and Common Logic Flaws ... with examples.
grey line
Website Free Stuff : Sounds
Website Free Stuff : Sounds
A list of websites offering free sounds
grey line
Sound Effects and Production Music Library
Sounddogs.com Sound Effects and Production Music Library
235,000 sound effects and production music tracks online,immediately available in Mp3, Wav, and Aif. Since 1997. First online library, since 1997.
My Kindergarten : Music and Songs : Free Downloads
My Kindergarten : Music and Songs to accompany the book
Free Sounds and Music
Free Sounds and Music
Singing Fish
Open Source Audio
Open Source Audio
The Sound Effects Library Ltd
Digital Audio Files (midi) .. music
Digital Audio Files (midi) .. music.
WAV Search
Down arrowUp arrow
grey line
Classical Music Archives
Classical Music Archives
Down arrowUp arrow
grey line
Sound clips in Midi Format - suitable for Powerpoint
Down arrowUp arrow
grey line
..click for more links on this subject => more websites







Google Moon& Mars

You can explore other planets too


Explore the Universe for free.  Try it at school or download it at home


More than just the Earth, check out the rest of the universe. Another free download here.





Storymaker Programs




Digital storytelling program. Kae a picture, make a story make a movie 2-4



Do you like writing? You can create your own story here. Click on 'next'. Then choose a fairy story, a horror story, or a science fiction story. Wait for the storymaker to load, then answer the questions - choose the characters, words and places or write your own! Then the story maker will 'make' your story - you can print it too!



Have fun making your own stories using Squigly's story builder. Squigly and his friends have written some stories that you can personalize with your own words.


http://pbskids.org/sagwa/stories/storymaker/index.html make a picture and then write about.


http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/stories/colour/gingerbreadman.shtml create a story with pictures about the gingerbread man.


Study Tools


Study and play with data online as flashcards, hangman game, crossword puzzle, matching, word search, or word scramble.





http://www.pbs.org/parents/earlymath/grades_games_tess_fla.html  Tesselations for k-2


Text Maker




Time Lines


Mnemograph: Web Based Timeline Software

Thinkport Tool: My Timeline

Teachnology  timeline maker


Mnemograph: Web Based Timeline Software

Timelines - Create a Timeline and Share - circaVie 

xtimeline - Explore and Create Free Timelines 



Video and Movies


Blabberize.com! - Blabberize Your Pictures  Make pictures talk-Great for characters from a book


blip.tv (beta)  Upload site for video


TVnima.com - TVnima is an online real time 3D application that allows anyone to create a TV news program using their personal media (photos, images, videos).


Eyespot - This tool is like iMovie, you can upload, edit, and mix your videos.


Terragen- create photo-realistic landscape images


Teaching Children to Work with Video


Advice on Video in Education


Digital Video in Education

external image kidsvid.gif

This is a wonderful site with camera shot explanations, a storyboarding tool and tips on editing.

Film Street  how to make a good video. It comes with a downloadable video teaching PDF kit. There are video clips for the children to analyse. An excellent site.
Animation - Film Education film making resources
Atomic Learning Video Storytelling  rules of video taking with a short video to demonstrate each one.
Camera Shots  pages of pictures linked to from here to demonstrate each shot and really useful
Media College camera techniques
Brick Films This site is for everything to do with stop motion video with many great examples
Animate Clay everything you need to know about claymation and stop motion movies


Plays more video files than most players: Quicktime, AVI, DIVX, OGG, and more. Pretty good interface.

Download Page


Media Player Classic

Compact, but powerful media player. Plays anything under the sun. No install necessary.

Download Page


Media Coder

Great tool for ripping CDs, DVDs, etc and converting between tons of video formats.

Download Page




Writing Tools


Diamante Poems
This online tool enables students to learn about and write diamante poems. Examples, definitions of parts of speech, and elements of the writing process are also included.


Diamante Screenshot

Doodle Splash
Doodle Splash combines the process of drawing with analytical thinking by pairing online drawing with writing prompts that encourage students to make connections between their visual designs and the text.



Drama Map
Students analyzing a play can map out the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution for a variety purposes. An updated version of the Story Map, this interactive is aimed at secondary students.



Essay Map
The Essay Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to organize and outline their ideas for an informational, definitional, or descriptive essay.



Eye on Idioms
Eye on Idioms can be used to introduce students to idioms. The activity includes a series of exercises, in which students view the literal representations of seven idioms and then examine the metaphorical meanings of the idioms.


Eye on Idioms

Fact Fragment Frenzy
Fact Fragment Frenzy provides elementary students with an online model for finding facts in nonfiction text, then invites students to find facts in five sample passages.



Flip Book
The Flip Book is designed to allow users to type and illustrate tabbed flip books up to ten pages long. Students and teachers can use the flip book for taking notes while reading, making picture books, collecting facts, or creating question and answer booklets.



Flip-a-Chip is a novel approach to word study that promotes vocabulary development. The activity provides hands-on practice with affixes and roots, and also promotes comprehension through structural analysis and vocabulary in context.



Fractured Fairy Tales
Fractured fairy tales are traditional fairy tales with a twist – for example, telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk from the giant’s perspective. The Fractured Fairy Tale tool encourages students to create their own fractured fairy tales.




Hints about Print
Hints about Print demonstrates the process of evaluating a nonfiction print resource to determine its appropriateness for a research project.



Letter Generator
The Letter Generator is a useful tool for students to learn the parts of a business or friendly letter and then compose and print letters containing all the essential elements needed for both styles of correspondence.



Letter Poem Creator
The Letter Poem Creator provides an online model for the thought process involved in creating poems based upon a letter; then, students are invited to experiment with letter poems independently.



Line Break Explorer
The interactive explores the ways that poets choose line breaks in their writing. After viewing the demonstration, students are invited to experiment with line breaks themselves.



Literary Elements Map
Students can map out the key literary elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution as prewriting for their own fiction or as analysis of a text by another author in this secondary-level interactive.



Literary Graffiti
Literary Graffiti, a high school version of the Doodle Splash student interactive, also aims to teach students to visualize what they are reading to help them develop as readers.



Multigenre Mapper
Teaching multigenre is a natural way to incorporate reading, writing, and research into the content areas and other disciplines. This interactive invites students to create original multigenre, multimodal works—one drawing and three written texts—and allows writers to name the genres for each section, making the tool flexible for multiple writing activities.



Mystery Cube
The Mystery Cube is a useful tool that helps students identify and summarize story elements in this popular genre. It can be used as a postreading activity for mysteries students have read or as a prewriting activity for students writing their own mysteries.



Persuasion Map
The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate.



Picture Match
Picture Match is a matching game that reinforces the concept of beginning-letter and short- and long-vowel sounds by prompting students to identify a series of pictures and match them to the first letter or the vowel in the words they represent.



Plot Diagram
The Plot Diagram is an organizational tool focusing on a pyramid or triangular shape, which is used to map the events in a story. This mapping of plot structure allows readers and writers to visualize the key features of stories.



Postcard Creator
The Postcard Creator helps students learn to identify all the typical parts of a postcard, and then generate their own postcard messages by typing information into letter templates. After printing their texts, students can illustrate the front of their postcards in a variety of ways, including drawing, collage, and stickers.



ReadWriteThink Notetaker
Useful for a wide variety of reading and writing activities, this outlining tool allows students to organize up to five levels of information, choosing bullets, Roman numerals, or letters.




Riddle Interactive
The Riddle Interactive outlines the characteristics of riddle poems and provides direct instruction on the prewriting and drafting process for writing original riddle poems.



Shape Poems
In this online tool, elementary students can write poems about shapes in four different themes: Nature, School, Sports, and Celebrations. Elements of the writing process are also included.



Stapleless Book
Designed for teachers and students alike, the Stapleless Book can be used for taking notes while reading, making picture books, collecting facts, or creating vocabulary booklets . . . the possibilities are endless!



Story Map
The Story Map interactive is designed to assist students in prewriting and postreading activities by focusing on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution.


 Wordie- Type in words and it create a word cloud




Don't forget you can also see what's going on all over the world too.


Visit this interactive tool at: http://readwritethink.org/materials/bio_cube/.



Video and Movies


Microsoft Movie Maker 2.1 is a great, easy to use download for editing simple videos


TVnima.com - TVnima is an online real time 3D application that allows anyone to create a TV news program using their personal media (photos, images, videos).


Eyespot - This tool is like iMovie, you can upload, edit, and mix your videos.


 Terragen- create photo-realistic landscape images 




 Virtual Field Trips



More Virtual Field Trips

Even More Virtual Field Trips

List of Virtual Field Trips

Virtual Field Trips










Introduction to Webquests

More Webquests

ESL Webquests

More ESL Webquests

Quest Garden

Citebite (excellent tool to assist in Webquests for English Language Learners)

Webquest Information

More on Developing Webquests

Webquest Locator

Webquests 101

Webquest Strategies

Creating a Webquest

More On Webquests

The Learning Power of Webquests






PB Wiki


Introduction to Wikis

Wikis In the Classroom

Classroom 2.0 Wikis


 Wiki: Wikispaces

...create a public, online wiki for free; great for class collaboration


Wiki: Writeboard

...a place to create shareable, Web-based text documents


Jotspot - http://www.jot.com/


Schtuff - http://www.schtuff.com/


Web Collaborator - http://webcollaborator.com/


Writeboard - http://writeboard.com/


Writely - http://writely.com


Designing Learning Spaces - Example of a Class using an Open Wiki



Make a Newspaper http://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp  

 Googledocs (download) http://docs.google.com





              Related Links

Computer Lab Wiki
Parish Web Page
Catholic Central
West Catholic
Computerkiddos wiki
Student Showcase
St. Mark
St. Mark School Home Page
Interactive Lessons
Parent's Corner
Teacher Tools
St. Anthony's Wiki






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