
What are we working on Right Now

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  St. Anthony

Lessons by Grade Level



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K- Computer technology skills are best learned in the context of ongoing academic work. Students use internet age appropriate activites to practice language Arts and Math concepts introduced in the classroom.


During the first semester of the 2010-2011 School Year the students are learning how to use the favorites icon, navigate through the Wiki, instructional page, and choose from a teacher selected activities that reinforce letter names, sounds, and blending into words.



ABC activities


All About Me


Bown Bear Brown Bear




Internet Safety




Our Families






Where the Wild Thing are 


 1st Graders


During the first semester of the  School year the students have studied Internet Safety, Initial consonant substitution, Beggining Middle and End of Stories, and the elements of a fairy tale.  Some lessons that will be covered in the days ahead are listed below.



  • Motivation — Fuel a collaborative classroom environment with teacher-guided and child-directed instruction, hands-on experiences, and interactive online activities.
  • Phonological Awareness — Ensure effective phonological instruction with short daily exercises.
  • Phonics — Teach sound and spelling relationships systematically, sequentially and explicitly.
  • Vocabulary — Explore the meaning of words encountered during everyday communication, instruction, and in quality literature.
  • Fluency — Model fluent reading during story time or via the website.
  • Comprehension — Build comprehension skills and strategies through direct instruction, group discussion, and example.
  • Writing — Use writing as a means to teach and integrate skills, and as an informal assessment tool.


Audio Books for k-2


Animal Homes-All Mixed up




Five Senses


Initial Consonants




Months of the Year





2nd Graders

Coloring Pages for Creative Writing


  1. Download and print any of the coloring pages from thequivervision.com. Some of the sets of pages require you to make an in-app purchase.
  2. Download the Quiver App from the Apple or Google Play store.
  3. Have students color one of the pages. Be careful not to color over the black outlines too much.
  4. Have the students write a creative story based on their pictures. 
  5. Open the Quiver app and watch your picture come to life!

Download the Quiver App.


  • Tennis shoe - "When my tennis shoes came to life..."
  • Hot air balloon - "My hot air balloon took me to..."



During the first semester of the  school year students will  use map symbols to create interior and exterior spaces putting their  Math and Social Studies skills to  use in map making.





Animal Homes-All Mixed up


Cybe Safety


Democratic Values-How A bill becomes a law


Dental Health






Mammals, Fish, Reptiles and Birds


Mini Bests


Neighborhoods and Community




Tell me a Story


Vitual Flat Stanley


3rd Graders


During the first term of the  school year students complted a Keyboarding Unit, and are learning how to use the features in the Owrd Processors for Office 2010. In addition students will be using Google earth to identify locations in Michigan, and focus on Michigan History.




Internet Safety 






Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends


Habitat Hunt






Rocks and Soil


Word and Sentence Building



4th Graders 



The art of origami is truly hands-on learning. As students use their fine motor skills to fold and crease paper into fun shapes and structures, they build skills involving spatial reasoning, following precise directions in sequence, fractions, geometry, and more. Best of all, the results-fantastic frogs, dragonflies, birds-are works of art! Your students can try out their own origami creations with the Whale Reproducible and Frog Reproducible, below. Here are some tips on teaching with origami:


Basic Operations-Saving to the server drive, renaming files, retrieving  saved files. Downloading pictures from the Internet, creating a Photostory on the  United States. Tesselations-math +art=Wonderful things




CSI Crime Solvers


Digital Storytelling


Earth-Our Planet


Graph it



Lego Builder





Movie Magic






Plane a Trip to the Moon






Simple Machines



Weather Wonders





Bridge building with Ipads and K'Nex


Students will learn the different types of bridges

Students will look up these types on the ipads

Students willl reproduce a truss bridge using K'Nex and/or Legos


During the first term students learned how to use the new Windows  10 OS, nativgation and identify continents through google earth. Then put in markers listing the capitals, and even completed a google Literature trip see the actual location of cities used in the Strega Nona series. Students have also applying the math and physics skills as they experiement with bridge building and design.


Bridge Building


Choose your Own Adventure








It takes A Village


Lewis and Clark




Underground Railroad


Google Earth Places in Time


Writing a Report




6th Grade



Students will program ozobots with color codes to capture pokemon


During the  School year students learned how to create designs in Goggle Sketch up, and how to complete simple game design using Scratch.  They will learn some basics of Phot editing and put together a animatred feature using Windows Movie maker. 

Digital Storytelling with Windows Movie maker


Planes, Trains and Cars


6th Digital Photography 


This power point goes over much of what we have covered in class!


7th Graders


Stopmotion Animation


Students will create backgrounds and use story figures to create a a movie. Students move the chaacters lightly and take a picture. all the picture are imported together to crete a finished movie


During the   School Year 7th graders learned how to program in a 3 D model using the program  Alice designed at the worlds for most programming collage. Students learned to use GIMP a Photo shop type of photo editor that allowed them to use transparencies, layers, making, and visual effects. 


Project business-

Students will set up and run their own virtual business including creating a business plan, getting a bank oad, set up emplyee salary and benefits as well as a complete marketing plan,




8th Graders

Students will begin the school year reviewing the use of google Apps. We will continue using the ipad to take digital photos and edit them. After the photos are dited on the ipad they will be uploaded to google slides. Friendship quotes will be added to create a google slide show of friends. There will be share for a grade.


Students will use both online and Photoshop to digitl edit photos


Students will use HTML kit to write web pages using code.






Related Links

Computer Lab Wiki
Parish Web Page
Catholic Central
West Catholic
Computerkiddos wiki
Student Showcase
Teacher Tools
Parent's Corner
Interactive Lessons
St. Anthony's Wiki



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Students will understand the following:
1. Bridges are categorized into three primary types: suspension, beam, and arch.
2. Each is designed and built according to certain principles of engineering.


Students will understand the following:
1. Bridges are categorized into three primary types: suspension, beam, and arch.
2. Each is designed and built according to certain principles of engineering.


Students will understand the following:
1. Bridges are categorized into three primary types: suspension, beam, and arch.
2. Each is designed and built according to certain principles of engineering.
Students will understand the following:
1. Bridges are categorized into three primary types: suspension, beam, and arch.
2. Each is designed and built according to certain principles of engineering.

Students will understand the following:

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