Word and Sentence Building


 Phonic Fun

Venn Diagram, 3 Circles

What’s in the Bag? http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/in_the_bag/
What’s in the Bag? invites primary students to play with vocabulary common to their environment.


What is in the Bag Screenshot

Word Build & Bank http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/wordbuild/
Using Word Build & Bank, students generate words by adding a beginning letter or blend to a word ending. This engaging tool helps students with letter-sound correspondence.


Word Build & Bank Screenshot

Word Family Sort   http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/wordfamily/.
This online activity helps students recognize word patterns by having them sort a series of words into short-vowel word families.


Word Family Sort Screenshot

Word Mover for Holes  http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/holes_mover/.
This interactive invites students to create a found poem by grabbing tiles of words from the novel Holes.


Word Mover screenshot

Word Mover for “I Have a Dream”
This interactive invites students to create a found poem by grabbing tiles of words from Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech.


Word Mover Screenshot

Word Wizard
Word Wizard uses themes from four popular U.S. children’s books to create word puzzles that students solve by unscrambling letters and considering related clues.